
Monday, March 31, 2014

69 - Pekingese Pups

Pekingese Pups 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

These are the youngest of the seven Pekingese my family owns. They are a brother and sister. Nelson and Dahli. Dahli is adorable and full of spirit. She's always doing something out of curiosity and is very playful as if she's still a little puppy. They will be two this July. Nelson on the other hand is slightly bigger than his sister, he's very calm and loyal. He loves to nap by your side. Dahli on the other hand won't sit still unless she's tired herself from chasing wild animals and wrestling the other pups. I love them. :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

68 - Wooden Bridge

Wooden Bridge 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

Found this beautiful wooden bridge in Evergreen, Colorado. I love its wild wild west and cowboy feel when you visit this extravagant outdoorsy place.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

67 - Blazing Sunset

Blazing Sunset 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

Who doesn't love sunsets? We all need the sunshine and light to rejuvenate our souls. Its beauty is unmatched anywhere on Earth. Those pink clouds sure makes this life dreamy and nostalgic but in a fresh way. Good bye sun and good evening moon!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

66 - River in Finland

River in Finland 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

Imagine walking through a forest with moist moss and tall earthy trees. Then you notice the sound of a roaring fresh river nearby and the aroma of lavenders and other spring flowers. Then you tip your toes into the white water and it is cold but refreshing! That's what my trip to Finland would be like!

Friday, March 21, 2014

65 - White Deer

White Deer 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

All creatures are noble, and have profound messages to share with us. However, those animals that are white can be some of our most powerful teachers.

The Native Americans believed the occurance of a white animal was a huge sign of prophecy – a sign from the great spirit that a major shift in their world was to come.

Beautiful creatures that I'd be honored to witness. Hear the bubbles and water splashing gently with a sparkle every now and then. The green moss has a sweet young scent of earth. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

64 - Lakewood

Lakewood 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord SOLD

I love this one! It just has the right amount of colors to make it intense yet calm and serene in a gentle way. This would be the kind of place I'd wake up in a tent on some shore of a lake and see this view when dawn starts. I'd be bundled up with my warm partner in blankets and have hot tea with honey ready and watch the skies unfold in purples and pinks and then brilliant coral orange. :)

Monday, March 17, 2014

63 - Springtime

Springtime 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord SOLD

At last the fragrant blooms have come,
And the year’s first scent of new-cut grass,
A yellow butterfly goes in and out parked cars,
Remaining puddles laced with sun.

Feel the warm wind blowing in my hair,
The gentle lilacs and grass dancing, 
Springtime is here.

I love the vivid blue-purple colors of the lilacs in a field. The shining sky looks so magical and warm. I can feel the wind and smell the soft fragrant breeze when I look at this painting. Beautiful and gentle. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

62 - Winter Morning

Winter Morning 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

Briskly cold vapor escapes my breath
Crunchy reflecting crystals on every step
Bright pink sunrise warms my rosy cheeks
Hear an eagle cry over the horizon
Oh here comes a new beautiful day
for me to explore and learn anew

- I

Found this beautiful stock photo from by the name of "Eirian-Stock". I love the glow I made around the trees and it definitely makes my face warm seeing it. So peaceful and cool. Looks like a good day to hike out by the snowy woods. :)

Friday, March 14, 2014

61 - Autumn

Autumn 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord

Email me at

“He was summer.
His eyes brought warmth
and light,
shining through the calming breeze
exhaling from his lungs.

He was autumn.
His smile blossomed
red and yellow and orange,
whistling warm colors that pale
in comparison to his laughter.

He was winter.
His voice gave chills
and foggy breaths,
providing a sense of serenity
amongst the pale snow.

He was spring.
His laughter allowed buds
to grow into flowers,
sprouting off thousands of colors
wherever he goes.”

Seasons of Him (NJ.)

I loved the previous painting so much I wanted to try again in different colors. I wanted to make it look like autumn with warm falling leaves. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

60 - Serenity

Serenity 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord


“Be grateful for your life, every detail of it,
and your face will come to shine like a sun,
and everyone who sees it will
be made glad and peaceful.”

— Rumi

I love cherry blossoms and their gentleness and beauty is so indescribable. I'm happy with it's vibrant red patches on the sides and throughout this painting. I'd dream of this place and canoeing swiftly between petals as I weave between thin tall trees.  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

59 - Dawn in Scotland

Dawn in Scotland 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

I love abandoned things. Dilapidated, old structures left untouched by the hand of man. Something, while weak and decrepit, is so unapologetically unruly. Like a refusal to bend under the ever changing will of man, it stands as a time frozen. Tragedies like Pompeii and Chernobyl, how often it takes a disaster of this size to remind us natures power over our own and a serve as a testament to how life will continue despite our absence.
— Jamie Lovley ©

When I started painting this, I got really obsessive with the blending of the sun's rays and looking back at it, it looks almost psychedelic. To be honest the ruin on the hill does look funny to me and but it is what it is but I had fun making the lighting!

This was a stock image thanks to Wyldraven. You can look at it here: here:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

58 - Stone Spheres of Puerto Rico

Stone Spheres of Puerto Rico 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

One of the strangest mysteries in archaeology was discovered in the Diquis Delta of Costa Rica. Since the 1930s, hundreds of stone balls have been documented, ranging in size from a few centimetres to over two meters in diameter. Some weigh 16 tons. Almost all of them are made of granodiorite, a hard, igneous stone. These objects are monolithic sculptures made by human hands. The spheres number over 300. The large ones weigh many tons. Today, they decorate official buildings such as the Asamblea Legislativa, hospitals and schools. You can find them in museums. You can also find them as ubiquitous status symbols adorning the homes and gardens of the rich and powerful.
The stones may have come from the bed of the Térraba River , to where they were transported by natural processes from sources of parent material in the Talamanca mountains. Unfinished spheres were never found. Like the monoliths of the Old World, the Costa Rican quarry was more than 50 miles away from the final resting place of these mysteries.

Very strange indeed. I put together a beautiful stock background with the stone spheres incorporated into it. I love mysterious things because it makes everything beautiful and interesting. It always left me in such wonder like a kid who doesn't understand gravity or lightning. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

57 - Geranium Patio

Geranium Patio 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord SOLD

Slivers of pre-dawn light
slip through the ornate curtains
of my vast dim bedroom
and shimmer about the floor
The brightness hurts my eyes
but the sight of brilliant red geraniums
and the sounds of birds singing
calms my nature-loving heart and soul
Good morning Mother Earth.


Ohhh how I love this landscape scene when you wake up in the morning and walk outside with a blanket and a cup of hot tea. When I visit my parent's house, I'd wake up and see my mother sitting outside by this patio with her cup of coffee. She would always sit by the koi pond that is to the right of this archway, and listen to the birds and water running in this little pond. The koi would be super happy when she feeds them. They are so colorful and delightful to watch. When I have a house, I would build the same archway and a koi pond too! That would be a dream. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

56 - Sonny

Sonny 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord SOLD

This is Sonny the black cat my friend adores and loves. He is very adventurous, sneaky, and very playful like he's still a kitten! I chose the colors pink and purple because those are my best friend's favorite colors and I wanted to make it look fun by adding assortment of dabs around the cat, almost like a spontaneous aura....he looks like he's about to jump on ya! :)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

55 - Secret Garden

Secret Garden 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord $60 SOLD

In the warmth of May
I look at the magnolias
And wonder when I, too,
Will bloom into something

- kmh

I love blooming gardens with deep rich colors as they capture the mystical design that surrounds us. It reminds us of rebirth and the new from the old. So breathtaking! My mother loves to plant flowers every year, sometimes different varieties until it looks so perfect. This painting reminds me of our fond memories gardening together.

Friday, March 7, 2014

54 - Blue Flower

Blue Flower 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord $50 - Buy it here.

This was a native flower grown in Nova Scotia. It looked like a blueish purple white daisy. I went for the blocky paint-strokes and added some bright colors to the background to make it interesting.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

53 - Crimson Sunset

Crimson Sunset 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord $50 - Buy it here.

This was from a beautiful stock photo taken by Eirian at Deviantart. It was taken in Lahnajärvi, Finland. What a beautiful sunset! I love how I made the dry brush technique in the waters and sky. I would love to visit the northern Europe because not only of their beauty but also they have the midnight sun! What that means is that for a certain time of the year, they have sunlight 24 hours a day hence the name, midnight sun, because there would be sun at midnight! Imagine that! "What a beautiful day, oh! It's time for bed...good night." Ha. Someday....Who knows?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

52 - Dandelion Meadow

Dandelion Meadow 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord $50 - Buy it here.

Another dry brushed painting! I love the way the bright fuchsia pops up from behind the paint. This surely feels like it would be a hot day somewhere in late spring or summer.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

51 - Birdhouse

Birdhouse 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord $50 - Buy it here.

This is one of the birdhouses me and my younger sister made. It was originally a jewelry prop stand used back in the 90s. Necklaces would be laid over it. My sister found in in the barn my dad was cleaning up and decided to repurpose it for what it was supposed to do! I'm really happy with the way it came out with the dry brush strokes revealing the bright red/orange background paint.

Monday, March 3, 2014

50 - Dorito

Dorito 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord Not for Sale

This was a gift to one of my best friends and this is one of her cats named Dorito. He was mature, friendly, and likes to jump up on tables. A very loving ginger cat. I miss him.

I really like the cubic paint-strokes and the nice contrast of the blue and orange complimentary background.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

49 - Purple Moon

Purple Moon 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord $50 - Buy it here.

Little silver rays
pirouette and parade in
through the window
to dance on your soft skin.

Whispering a gentle lullaby
they kiss your sleepy eyes,
filling you with
airy yawns and sighs.

Cuddling close in the night,
I kiss your nose
as the little rays of moonlight
make me, too, begin to doze.

I love looking at the moon and see the clouds blanket the glowing full moon. That's when the moon appears the brightest I think.