
FAQ about Ivy Oswald's Art

What medium do you use?
I use oils, water-mixtable oils (better for the environment and travels!), and sometimes acrylic. I will state the medium on each post unless stated otherwise. Lately I've been using water-mixable oils from Winsor Newton and I use about 90% paint and 10% water.

What color paints do you use?
Titanium White, Burnt Umber, Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Phthalo Green (Blue Shade), and Cadmium Yellow Medium.

What brushes do you use?
I used to use an acrylic soft brush but then I tried the Silver Bristlon bright and love its sturdiness and tight edges. It also forces me to add more paint thus making the painting thicker and more rich.

What panels do you use?
I use the Gessobords from Ampersand.

Do you varnish your paintings?
I decided not to apply varnish because most people generally like them matte. If you want them to be varnished, just let me know and give me a week for it to properly dry before shipping.

How do you ship your paintings?
All of my paintings will be shipped in a secure cardboard box with a note and a business card. They will be shipped in Priority Mail Express which comes with an automatic $100 insurance. Your paintings will always be insured just in case!

Do you do commission artwork?
Yes! If you'd like me to do you a commissioned painting like say...your pet! Feel free to ask me about it by emailing me here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Ivy Oswald,

My name is Maria Stella. I am a gallery representative, working with Agora Gallery, which is located in Chelsea, the art district of New York City.

May I send you some information about the gallery and promotional services which may be of interest to you?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Maria Stella
Gallery Representative | Agora Gallery