
Monday, July 29, 2013

5 - Napoleon Chillin'

Napoleon Chillin' 6 x 6 Oil on hardboard $15 - Buy it here.

He is one of the seven Pekingese dogs my family owns. He’s the first two with his half brother, Alex, who are the oldest, now at 7-8 years. This painting taught me to figure out how to blend between the dark brilliant blue with the light peachy cream. I’ve learned to deal with darks first then blend the edges with a lighter color as that’s easiest. Tried with dark on light, the dark becomes really light too fast and it doesn’t look good. I had to keep cleaning my brush well to fix that. Then I had the urge to dry brush fur textures around his cheeks and eyes. It was fun but not the look I was going after but it looked good otherwise! I also did super dry brush in the beginning to figure out my proportions of his face, this technique really helped me.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

4 - Longhorn Cow

Longhorn Cow 6 x 6 Oil on hardboard $15 - Buy it here.

This one is the fastest oil painting yet…done in 30 minutes! I had to hurry before I leave to meet friends for golf disc which btw was really fun! I feel leaving the white space as it is a bit inadequate but necessary as it would’ve been pretty muddy with the spots considering the precious time I had left. My mistake with this is I didn’t trace out my composition first and guessed instead leaving my horns a bit off till I fixed it later, losing precious minutes. Brushstroke a improved a bit except the spots…not sure how I’d achieve that with a thicker paintbrush…a smaller one perhaps?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

3 - Blossoms

Blossoms 6 x 6 Oil on hardboard SOLD

Okay! I love this photo I took via Instagram. The colors too! So bold and beautiful! I think this one is the best so far! I still had the urge to fill in more details. It was also difficult to add more white in it as it keeps blending with the pink. I guess I had no patience…:p

Friday, July 26, 2013

2 - Apple & Banana

Apple & Banana 6 x 6 Oil on hardboard $15 - Buy it here.

I had fun with this one and tried my best to keep my brushstrokes as thick as possible. Achieving the color of the white plate was challenging as well as the fruits’ shadows. Overall I love the gentle feel to it. I also tried without applying a full first color coat as I did with #1.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

1 - Pinecone

Pinecone 6 x 6 Oil on hardboard $15 - Buy it here.

This is my first oil painting. A pinecone. I’ve learned that oil bleeds and can get very muddy if my paintbrush isn’t clean between colors. I also learned that its very easy to getlighter than it is to darker colors. Unlike acrylic, oil is very easy to blend and stays wet for more than 24 hours. Acrylic dries too fast but can be convenient for layering different colors. I’m going to try and paint everyday!


Excuse the terrible angle of this video, it was my first time! From then on, all videos will be much closer and better! I had this done with my iphone using an app called iMotion HD (free!) which was set on a time lapse of 10 seconds and the painting took me an hour to complete.