
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

70 - A Walk in Spring

A Walk in Spring 6 x 6 Acrylic on Gessobord - Buy it here

I would dream of how my walk through the woods would be like in spring. I would walk in the briskly shade of tall ancient trees with a nice aromatic scent of rich earth. I'd turn and something bright caught my eye, the bright fuchsia pink and violet petals from the distance. The scent would be so intoxicating that time went by minutes to hours as I carelessly smile and bask in all the sunlight. Such joy to be in nature as it's a wonder how beautiful it is with its divine algorithm of life that is beyond our understanding. So serene, calm sea of grass, birds singing its songs, leaves dancing in the warm wind, I'd lie down in the tall grass and flowers and look up to the moving gentle clouds forming around the shining sun. Thanks to the sun for all life that it brings and hello spring!

Monday, March 31, 2014

69 - Pekingese Pups

Pekingese Pups 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

These are the youngest of the seven Pekingese my family owns. They are a brother and sister. Nelson and Dahli. Dahli is adorable and full of spirit. She's always doing something out of curiosity and is very playful as if she's still a little puppy. They will be two this July. Nelson on the other hand is slightly bigger than his sister, he's very calm and loyal. He loves to nap by your side. Dahli on the other hand won't sit still unless she's tired herself from chasing wild animals and wrestling the other pups. I love them. :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

68 - Wooden Bridge

Wooden Bridge 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

Found this beautiful wooden bridge in Evergreen, Colorado. I love its wild wild west and cowboy feel when you visit this extravagant outdoorsy place.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

67 - Blazing Sunset

Blazing Sunset 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

Who doesn't love sunsets? We all need the sunshine and light to rejuvenate our souls. Its beauty is unmatched anywhere on Earth. Those pink clouds sure makes this life dreamy and nostalgic but in a fresh way. Good bye sun and good evening moon!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

66 - River in Finland

River in Finland 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

Imagine walking through a forest with moist moss and tall earthy trees. Then you notice the sound of a roaring fresh river nearby and the aroma of lavenders and other spring flowers. Then you tip your toes into the white water and it is cold but refreshing! That's what my trip to Finland would be like!

Friday, March 21, 2014

65 - White Deer

White Deer 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord - Buy it here.

All creatures are noble, and have profound messages to share with us. However, those animals that are white can be some of our most powerful teachers.

The Native Americans believed the occurance of a white animal was a huge sign of prophecy – a sign from the great spirit that a major shift in their world was to come.

Beautiful creatures that I'd be honored to witness. Hear the bubbles and water splashing gently with a sparkle every now and then. The green moss has a sweet young scent of earth. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

64 - Lakewood

Lakewood 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord SOLD

I love this one! It just has the right amount of colors to make it intense yet calm and serene in a gentle way. This would be the kind of place I'd wake up in a tent on some shore of a lake and see this view when dawn starts. I'd be bundled up with my warm partner in blankets and have hot tea with honey ready and watch the skies unfold in purples and pinks and then brilliant coral orange. :)