Tuesday, April 8, 2014

70 - A Walk in Spring

A Walk in Spring 6 x 6 Acrylic on Gessobord - Buy it here

I would dream of how my walk through the woods would be like in spring. I would walk in the briskly shade of tall ancient trees with a nice aromatic scent of rich earth. I'd turn and something bright caught my eye, the bright fuchsia pink and violet petals from the distance. The scent would be so intoxicating that time went by minutes to hours as I carelessly smile and bask in all the sunlight. Such joy to be in nature as it's a wonder how beautiful it is with its divine algorithm of life that is beyond our understanding. So serene, calm sea of grass, birds singing its songs, leaves dancing in the warm wind, I'd lie down in the tall grass and flowers and look up to the moving gentle clouds forming around the shining sun. Thanks to the sun for all life that it brings and hello spring!

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